Pictures from Dayton Hamvention 2016

I was only able to attend the event on Saturday. I had great time talking to many OMs and was happy to meet Nick Tusa (K5EF) and get some advices on restoring my Central Electronics 200V.

BW 5100B for $260

Collins 75A-4

Heathkits are much more affordable.

I've got the Ht-32B in the middle. I have an extra cabinet so it is perfect. I will see how accurate the 1 kc calibrated VFO is. The one on my SX-115 is very accurate.

ME-165 power meter/load, SX-111, HT-37, BW 5100B, RME VHF-152, etc.

Heathkit SS-9000 for $900.

Tempo 1, SB-1000, Drake C-line, etc.

Not my car.

Collins 51J-4, Hallicrafters S-40A, National NC-300

More Drakes. CC-1, C-4 and UV-3.

Old VHF AM rigs and a HG-10 VFO.

Massive Commander 6m amp, Heathkit SB-220

Drake C-line and Collins 30L-1

My daughter next to the tower.

Me not letting go of the crank-up tower.

It is 60th year anniversary of Yaesu. FTDX-400 on display.

Old Yaesu ad. It says all band 10W SSB/CW transceiver, FT-75.

Cool touch keyer from Basicomm. Sold by Array Solutions in the U.S.

This Way and That Way.

Heathkit SB-200 for $400? Kenwood TS-430 for $550?

One of my favorites this year. Let's go QRO!

Hallicrafters SX-96, almost as good as SX-100. Another SB-1000 hiding under the cover.

Collins 51J-3, 75A-4, 30L-1 and a bunch of ARC-5 rx and tx. A NOS BC-457 was on the table.

Heathkit Apache TX-1. A SB-10 was right next to it, then it was gone the next moment.

Collins KWM-2 and 2A.

Johnson Ranger

Hayseed Hamfest. The go-to place for replacement power supply filter caps.

Inside the arena.

Collins 51J.

More Rangers

The legendary Eico 753. The note says "the TX is off frequency" and probably it should say "drifts like crazy". A few years ago three 753 lot was for sale for $45 and didn't sell fopr quite a while.

Hallicrafters SX-133. Single conversion, just like SX-99 and SX-110. But it has a product detector.

Miss of the day. Drake L-75. I turned around and it was gone.

Lot's of goodies. Cinch connectors.

Expensive Mil Zenith radios. Many over $1k.

Drake TC-6 and TC-2. You buy this and the CC-1 above then you are set.

Amp Supply LA-1000-NT for $350. DX-60 with a missing knob and S-38 with a bunch of missing knobs.

Hallicrafters R-274/FRR. The mil version of SX-73. $400 was reasonable, but some knobs were not original and the unit was modified a bit (for one, a product detector added). Also being the mil version, it lacked the cabinet.

Central Electronics 20A and a modified BC-458 VFO.

National NC-303 with Amoco nuvistor 2m, 6m converters.

Hallicrafters SR-2000 full set priced at $3000. I heard that it was sold later on Saturday. I can see enthusiastic buyer paying up to $2000. I heard there was another set at $3500.

Hammarlund HQ-145 $140. Not bad.

Another Ranger $300.

KW matchbox. This is still one of the best manual tuner, especially when you run a balanced transmission line. The KW version is relatively rare.

Don't know if the guy sold any of these. There was also a guy selling expensive small catalin radios.

N8VES, Sam of DARA had a miniature crank-up tower that actually extends.

Not my van.